CRANE 크레인 토크검증 시스템

Torque Calculator Solution

ESTIC 한국 공식대리점

플렉스컴퍼니 주식회사

IQWrench3 Torque Wrench

The IQWrench3 is the latest in a long line of innovative torque wrenches from Crane. Combining the precision torque and angle measurement capabilities of an advanced torque wrench, along with the storage and reliability of a robust data collector, the IQWrench3 delivers one powerful integrated solution.

The IQWrench3 digital torque wrench delivers all of the expected attributes that made their predecessors such a success, as well as a host of new features.

A colour OLED screen provides clear and easy-to-view results and readings with a straightforward menu system for easy navigation. The LED flashlight and improved 360° light ring make it effortless to reach target torque and effectively manage the fastening process.

Key Features

  • Available in ranges from 10Nm up to 1500Nm
  • Advanced software and torque measurement modes including MoveOn, Yield and Re-tighten
  • Illuminated LED flashlight for increased visibility in darker, confined spaces
  • OLED screen with simple menu system for easy navigation and viewing readings & data
  • Increased internal memory for critical data storage
  • Interchangeable adapter heads & ‘Auto-ID’ for auto length compensation and multiple job use
  • FOD (Foreign Object Debris) Compliant for use in the Aerospace & Automotive industries
  • Point-of-load ‘insensitive’ – no incorrect hand position; torque can be applied from any position on the wrench

CheckStar Multi Torque Transducer

The CheckStar Multi raises the standard for dynamic torque and angle measurement of all continuous drive and impulse tools, with proven reliable performance in thousands of applications worldwide.

The CheckStar Multi rotary torque transducer incorporates a 360° light ring, giving the user visual feedback of the status of a tightening when used with a Crane readout or data collector.

The CheckStar fits in-line between the assembly tool and the fastener, measuring the actual torque applied and the angular rotation of the fastener, under production and assembly conditions.

Key Features

  • In-line rotary torque transducers with optional angle measurement
  • Patented design ensures no brush bounce even when used with impulse tools
  • Suitable for use with all continuous-drive tools, impulse tools and torque wrenches
  • Compatible with most industry standard data collectors and readouts
  • Automatic transducer recognition with Crane data collectors and torque readout devices
  • 360° light ring for instant fastener torque status
  • Low inertia benefits accurate dynamic measurement
  • Low friction eliminates wear and supports accuracy
  • Available in various sizes from 1Nm up to 5000Nm (square and hex drives available)

Stationary Transducers

Crane’s static torque transducers are the quality choice for the testing of all continuous drive, impulse and hand torque tools in the workshop and production lineside environment. Static or stationary transducers are used off the production line in a workshop or on lineside testing stations. Combined with joint kits, these transducers can help represent the actual production joint condition that the tool will be used upon. The stationary transducers form an effective offline test for verification of assembly tool performance.

The impact tool compatible stationary torque transducer is the quality choice for the testing and auditing of all continuous-drive tools, impulse power tools, impact tools and hand torque tools, in workshop, R&D and production line-side environments.. The impact tool compatible stationary transducer can be used alongside a Crane torque wrench when setting up an impact tool and for verification both off-line in workshops or line-side on mobile testing stations.

Key Features

  • Suitable for measurement of all continuous drive, impulse and hand torque tools
  • Automatic transducer recognition with Crane readout devices
  • Combine with joint kits for workshop simulation of hard to soft joints
  • Incorporate into custom built mobile test stations
  • Available in sizes from 3.5Nm up to 5000Nm
  • Light-ring versions available (up to 1/2″ as standard) for visual indication system
  • Suitable for the measurement of all continuous drive, impulse power tools, impact tools and all hand torque tools
  • Automatic transducer recognition with Crane readouts and data collectors
  • Combine with joint kits for workshop simulation of hard to soft joints
  • Can be incorporated into custom-built mobile testing stations like the MTTS
  • Available in a range of torque ratings from 75Nm up to 600Nm

TorqueStar Pro Data Collector

The TorqueStar Pro is the most complete and fully equipped torque indicator and data collector in the TorqueStar range. All of the features and benefits of the TorqueStar Plus model are included but with the addition of a series of more advanced measurement modes, graphical reading analysis, plus advanced statistics and connection capabilities.

Key Features

  • Numerous measurement modes including track, peak, pulse, click, audit, move-on, re-tighten and yield
  • Strong, durable and robust, perfect for the manufacturing and quality environment
  • A full-colour backlit screen for clear and concise torque measurement
  • Compatible with label printers connected via USB port
  • Real-time torque traces on screen and USB trace exports available
  • Full-colour screen with icon based, easy navigation display
  • Add ‘jobs’, ‘rounds’ & advanced statistics to your torque measurement process
  • Compatible with our torque management software packages, OMS and OMS Lite
  • RF communication to connect to our digital torque wrenches and rotary torque transducers

tJRS Joint Test Bench

The tJRS (threaded joint rate simulator) is the only fully automated joint test bench that utilises a threaded fastener system. This means that joint conditions can be set up in the same way as in real fastener applications and the joint can be automatically ‘backed off’ after each test. 

As a result, assembly tools can be tested, offline, under the most realistic conditions of any automated joint simulator bench, in a quick and efficient manner.

Key Features

  • Realistic simulation of assembly fastener applications for tool testing
  • Torque or force indicator and data collector
  • A threaded fastener and nut system
  • Fully automated quick release of fastener and variable joint rate from soft to hard
  • Tool testing in accordance with VDI/VDE2647
  • Comprehensive management software (OMS)
  • Torque, angle and impulse count
  • Track, Peak, Click (1st Peak) and Pulse measurement
  • Standard benches available in 100, 250, 330, 500 and 1000Nm versions


회사명: 플렉스컴퍼니 주식회사  I  대표자 : 송창우  

사업자등록번호 : 745-88-02282   I  업태: 제조업, 도매 및 소매업  I 종목 : 전기장비 및 제어장치, 기계부품, 무역업  

주소 : 대구광역시 달성군 옥포읍 비슬로 2207, 301호

Contact us : T. +82 53-611-2468  I  F. +82 504-471-2468  I  E.